This post was inspired by a private message I received from
last week.Mark noticed in my profile that I call myself a “Guardian of all the sweatpants.” I told him it’s because I live in sweats 24/7. After all, my dog sheds a whole new dog every day, and “good pants” are not part of the vocabulary here.
Mark then told me he was online looking at rescue mutts because he recently lost his dog and still misses the mess. 😪
If that isn’t the most relatable truth for dog parents, I don’t know what is! It took me a whole month to vacuum after losing my last dog. I never wanted her mess to disappear.
So, thanks to Mark here is an ode to the merciless shedders of the world…
If dogs didn’t shed you would never have the opportunity to look at your pant leg in the middle of a work day and smile. Almost as if every day was bring-your-dog-to-work day.
That one stray hair on your thigh is a sign that your best friend sent a surprise gift along to work with you. Sort of like when your mom packed a sprinkle doughnut in your lunch bag.
Dog hair = sprinkles.
If dogs didn’t shed you’d never be able to get rid of the boyfriend you never wanted anyway. When he comes over and complains about all the dog hair you get to say, “Well if you don’t like it you can leave.”
The dog always wins. Boyfriends are expendable.
If dogs didn’t shed, Costco would never sell out of sticky rollers. And a twelve-pack of sticky rollers would never be interpreted as a meaningful Christmas gift.
If dogs didn’t shed you’d never have a trail of bread crumbs to follow from the front door of your condo, all the way to the elevator, inside the elevator, and down to the exit door of your building.
How would you ever find your way home?
If my dog didn’t shed I’d never spend time wondering if Swiffer would entertain the idea of a sponsorship for Dog Snobs 😂
And lastly….
If dogs didn’t shed you would never get to learn the science behind a fur-nado.
A fur-nado is a catastrophic natural disaster that only occurs when the window of your car is rolled down. All the dog hair resting peacefully in your back seat is swept up into a cyclone, ripping through the entire cabin of your vehicle.
I don’t understand how anyone lives a full life without witnessing this type of debacle at least once. It is a true mystery.
This little story is an ode to the fact that my dog sheds SO much that I could literally build a new dog…every single day. But my life would be completely void of laughter and love without her!
The thing about rescue mutts is, if you adopt one as a puppy you never know what you’re going to get when they grow up because we never know what they’re mixed with.
Nine times out of ten, when they reach adulthood they look NOTHING like the day you picked them out. Dezi had short, smooth hair when I adopted her. I could’ve never guessed she’d turn into the Tasmanian Devil with a relentless cloud of dirt and fur following her into adulthood.
Dog product of the day award!
I thought it would be fun and useful to start sharing and swapping info on products we use as dog owners.
Since we’re on the topic of shedding, this week’s product is one of the best things I’ve found in all my dog years, especially with Dezi because we drive to various dog parks 7 days a week.
I’m sure every avid dog owner knows about backseat dog hammocks, but this summer I found the Rolls Royce of hammocks. This one adds actual square footage to your back seat because it’s got a hard bottom, not the usual loose-hanging type hammock.
The hard bottom extends overtop the floor space creating tons of extra lounging room for your big (hairy) dog and protects your seats from dirt, wetness, and all the dog hair your fur-nado can whip up.
Here’s the review I wrote on Amazon, among hundreds of other ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews.
Here’s a link to this particular dog hammock on Amazon (Canada) and no, this IS NOT an affiliate link. I don’t need Amazon’s money. I just like sharing great stuff with you guys.
Give us your best, funniest, most hairiest advice in the comments below. And if you feel like you need to share pics or videos of your shedding disasters, by all means, jump on over to our CHAT BOX and start a shed-thread!
This was so heartwarming. Sorry to Mark for his loss. Glad he has a new buddy.
Apollo is a Springer and former show dog. His handler spent hours grooming him. When we adopted him his long fur would attract every bramble and thistle. I wanted him to be able to run around without bringing back a blackberry bush complete with thorns. No more long hair for Apollo. He gets a “puppy cut” at the groomers every 6 weeks. He can roam the property without attracting detritus and another perk— his shedding is minimal.
Next post should be about drool and the car windows I can’t see out of because of the dried, smeared drool. Hehe.
Good lord, i knew i had to comment when I saw the title of your article. You did a great job too. Some 🤔 how, although I personally do not own a dog, nor has there ever been a dog in my 3 yr old Hyundai Tucson, the carpet is full of PUG glitter and Shepherd/redheeler mix fur. How do I know this? I love to visit my 2 nephews ( pug and pug mix) and I occasionally dog sit forthe Shepherd mix where I see those tumble furs roll down the hall.
As far as I can tell, my nephpug and brother must have taken my keys and blew out their daily quantity of glitter many times while I have been otherwise occupied. I will eventually figure out how to get their short undercoat glitter out of the car. 😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾❤️🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️