Nothing, but he goes to daycare if we’re both too busy to walk him. During Covid, when we couldn’t travel, we sent him on a week-long vacation to his favorite place, the doggie farm. No cages, lots of running around and kicking up snow.

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I used to hope I'd be reincarnated as my dog. Maybe I want to be your dog in my next life!

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Lucky boy!!

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Jun 17Liked by Kristi Keller

It makes sense to me that music would effect any dog in listening vicinity of it. I tried playing dog tv and calming videos for a dog I was taking care of. She seemed oblivious to the tv or the music. (I am dogless but dog obsessed) I have yet to be in the presence of any dog that watched tv 🥺.

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My previous dog seemed oblivious as well but I still played it. I think I do it more for me than them lol

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I have never thought about playing music to Molly while she is alone. Could have helped when we had workers over! Will try it when I feel she needs a bit more soothing in her environment.

And now I am also trying to picture Molly as a gang dog. Did you ever see a gang dog corgi?!

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Great, you just made me google "Gansgter corgi" now 🤪

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😂😂 Gangsters come in all forms hahahaa

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Playing music is always a crap shoot in our house. Anything that remotely sounds like a doorbell or a knock at the door elicits pandemonium. Street gangs would never survive in our house or in the neighborhood.

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😂😂 That's kind of how Dezi is with visitors as well. I haven't had company since 1863 lol!!!

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I played chakra balancing frequencies for Hercules when we first got him at 7 weeks and he was quarantined for 2 months until his parvo vaccines were complete! When my husband plays loud music on our speaker, Hercules will run around wiping his ears on the floor so I know it affects him. Sometimes Hercules and I will hole up together in the bedroom so my husband can have some loud music time lol 😂

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So interesting to hear this because I specifically thought about Jamaican dogs (other island dogs) when I wrote this. There's ALWAYS loud music somewhere in Jamaica and always street dogs everywhere.

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You are so right about there always being loud music here! I’ve had some interesting convos with my husband and his friends about music and where we feel it in our bodies…lower vibe music tends to be felt in the stomach or sacral chakra where lighter and uplifting music more in the heart. On another note, Jamaican dogs are some of the most gangsta, resilient creatures I have ever seen! 💚💛🖤

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Amen to that! Do I ever have stories about those dogs!! Coming soon!

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I love this!

Have you ever seen a slo-mo video of the dog tongue lapping up water? I had no idea their tongues scooped it in backwards, like a spoon.

Love the music idea.

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LOL no I’ve never seen it but now I’m curious.

I have slowed down a video of Dezi when she’s juggling a tennis ball in her mouth though. The tongue movement was pretty weird looking! If I can find the video sometime, I’ll post it.

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Definitely look it up. It’s like the underside of their tongue is a spoon scooping in the water.

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My dog Kashmere, a Samoyed, was terrified of loud sounds like fireworks. Classical music calmed her down. ✨💜✨

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I think Kashmere fits in with a lot of dogs, afraid of loud noises.

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Jun 17Liked by Kristi Keller

Mine love the smooth jazz channel. I go to sleep…🤔

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I bet the gangster dogs think of the classical music as boring.

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I have a dog who watches tv and waits for the animals to show up. If they start moving on the screen, he runs up to the tv, gets on his hind legs, jumps up and down and barks. He’s quite invigorated by the whole thing. Our other dog could care less.

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Hahaha Paula, that's awesome! I dog-sat a dog like that once. And I kid you not, even if he saw a picture of a dog on a t-shirt on TV, he still went bananas 🤣

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We use calming puppy music all the time and sometimes I leave my spotify playing for them when I go out for a run. I came home from a run last week to find them listening to a song with the lyrics, "I woke up sexy again." It seems perfect for them.

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Omg that's so perfect for your two dogs 🤣 I will never not see dobeys as sexy because Dezi's husband is a very handsome dobey lol.

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I feel like a complete nincompoop -- I've never consulted Nora on her taste in music, but I'll change that. I suspect country and western will be right up her alley.

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Hahahaa I've never "consulted" Dezi either but she's not complaining!

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All I know is I feel/wonder if you and I were possibly separated at birth! Haha fantastic read, I very much enjoyed reading! Thank you

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Hahahaa then I suspect you wonder the weirdest things about dogs like I do 😂

I can't help it. I'd love a VIP ticket to a dog's brain.

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Dezi is so still through most of the video that I might almost have thought I was watching a stuffed animal from behind.

Funny, but with excellent advice as well.

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Bill, sometimes when the right TV show captures her she'll sit riveted like that for 15 minutes!!

She paid unbelievably close attention watching Django Unchained. I'll never figure that one out 😁

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