Wonderful! Thank you for my Monday afternoon (Europe) smile!!

Ody and I are fully into the biodegradables... though deep in the woods, no one can see you(r) poop!

Remember how all poop turned white back in the day when we all left it lying where it fell?

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Hahaha I do remember that! It probably had a lot to do with the low grade kibble we had for dogs back then. And yeah, if we're in the woods we let it go as well.

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Thanks for giving us the straight poop.

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Always! Nothing but the goods here 😁😁

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I once tried biodegradable poop bags. They tore apart too easily. Ugh. Maybe they sell the brand you use in the states?

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Eeewwww!! I'm positive ypu can get them down there. Earth Rated has an Amazon store as well as in-store products. They've gotten pretty big over the years.

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They are taking over, and I chronicle in fiction these new overlords with pleasure.

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I grew up on a farm and dog poop management was never a thing... It wasn't until I became an adult city dweller that it has be come a constant chore and provides insight into who is really in charge.

“If aliens are watching us through telescopes, they’re going to think the dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s making a poop, the other one’s carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?” — Jerry Seinfeld

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Hahahahaa!!! I never saw that episode of Seinfeld but that is SO funny. I also feel the same way when my dog is taking a dump in public and someone from a different culture that may not understand dog ownership, sees me bending over to pick it up.

I always hope Dezi dumps somewhere NOT obvious LOL!

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Sep 9Liked by Kristi Keller

I love the idea of serious people sitting around a conference room table discussing the appropriate terminology. You just know there was some stiff in there who rallied hard for "waste" or "feces" but was outvoted.

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Bahahaha....right!? I worked at city hall for 10 years...I had way too much fun picturing this meeting.

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I certainly do recall the Time Before Poop Bags. Just like I remember coming home as a kid with stinking shoes because I'd stepped in "dog do" -- which was everywhere.

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Yes!!! Crazy to think, isn't it? Kind of like I remember when you could smoke a cigarette pretty much anywhere, even walking down an indoor mall!

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And throw your lit butts out the car window! Good times — KIDDING.

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Sep 10Liked by Kristi Keller

Yep! Dog poop is one of the immutable materials of the Universe.

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Ha! This is great! I've been using biodegradable poop bags for years. I also wonder if they used the word "poop" on the sign because it is irrefutable what that word means? I'm curious what the thinking was there....

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Oh to be a fly on the wall at city hall that day.

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Dogs have totally taken over. No one follows me around to clean up my poop after me!

And speaking of poop scooping. Does anyone else have a dog that likes to hide their poop? Yup. My short stack corgi, Tosha, will go into the deepest weeds to drop her load. It’s so hard to find! She loves to find weeds that are 2-3x as tall as she is! I swear, it’s a fun game for her to watch me struggle to retrieve her shit.

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Bahahaa Tosha definitely knows the game. "Wild goose chase" 🤣

Dezi will do that too if we're in the woods. Also, in winter she likes to climb to the top of snow drifts to take a dump and then watch me try to follow her up.

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I swear, they have their own sense of humor that is a little sadistic at times. "If you are gonna pick up my poop, I"m gonna make it fun for me."

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