Oh no! So sorry to hear you’re injured. Sending healing wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Thanks Jackie ❤️

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Sobering and strangely uplifting at the same time. My dog is a shameless ball stealer so we avoid dog parks. But he has knocked me over, and in his younger days I sometimes worried he could pull me in front of a moving car.

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Yes Rona, i understand that as well! Dezi is a bit leash reactive so I've nearly been pulled over as well. It only takes once or twice to learn our human boundaries, doesn't it!

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'shameless ball stealing' is one of the reasons I had to stop taking Old Man Dog to the dog park. He'd try to steal all the tennis balls and keep them for himself--and even tried to steal tennis balls right out of the hands of unsuspecting people who were about to throw them. oops.

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I totally get that one because my dog used to do it too. It was annoying and embarrassing.

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that, it was..

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Nope! Not mishaps in dog or beach park but Alvin my faithful English black lab went after 2 Great Dane 8 month olds after their owner a young man was mean to both of us . He attacked them . A huge guy separated them. Lots of blood on Alvin’s ears. Went to vet .He laughed “Alvin?” “ I “you should’ve seen the other guys.”

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Holy smokes! Brave boy protecting you that way.

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Yeah, it's always those stereotypically 'nice' dogs that will surprise you, every time!

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I have not, thankfully! But dog related - yes. My Lab/Weimaraner cross, Baron was highly reactive. Long story, about a mistreated litter, but he was terrified of the world outside the front door from the day we brought him home as a young pup. Walking around our many-dogs neighbourhood was torture. Aged about two, in 2008, my attention faltered and he just about pulled my arm off - it was a long and terrible recovery, and led to chronic issues for years. I had to stop walking him - but he was happier!!! Lucky for me, we have a large yard, so we just spent time encouraging activity there as a daily thing, and only walked trails etc on the weekend, with hubby there - as Dad was the Alpha, Baron did not seem to be in crazed protect mode, so even passing other dogs was manageable. You still had to be aware in the yard, and I have had more than a few body slams but luckily mostly one dog at a time so no injury. Heal fast, Kristi!

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Oh wow, that sounds painful and a bit familiar too. Dezi is somewhat leash reactive (hence my love of dog parks) so I have also experienced that arm yank. It's not pleasant if you're not ready for it!

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The dog I used to have wasn't an outdoorsy type, so this particular thing is something I have never experienced. Probably for the best...

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Definitely for the best!

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Aug 19Liked by Kristi Keller

OMG. Sending good healing energy your way and reassuring message to Dezi - not your fault or intention!!! Your beloved human just happened (again!) to be in the path of your unrestrained joy😩♥️

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LOL Sharon!! I find it fascinating that dogs never run full speed into a tree or a light post, but put a human in their path? They have no problem playing smash-up derby.

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Aug 19Liked by Kristi Keller

Because they’re smart😹😹😹 they KNOW a tree is solid AND immovable! Plus trees are for peeing on😹😹😹

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Oh gosh. So glad you’re okay! I never sustained injury but a former pooch has. Not only nipped but got worms. Many dog owners don’t care for their dogs the way you and I would. My vet warned me about dog parks. Lots of viruses and bacteria for pooch to catch.

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Thanks CK 😊 One day at a time over here!

I've heard of that before as well. A couple summers ago my favorite dog park had a mass outbreak of kennel cough. Dezi never got it but I heard on their facebook page that plenty of dogs did. Probably because the park has a dog fountain they all drink out of.

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Aug 19Liked by Kristi Keller

Not again...I'm so sorry this happened! I know exactly how you feel, having been on crutches myself for two months thanks to our yellow lab Leo. Praying for a speedy recovery. And yes, I'm sure that heaven will include copious amounts of dog kisses!

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Awww thank you Kimi! You know, this weekend I had fully intended to FINALLY sit down and get that little review website going so you could see it. And then this 😂😂 I swear the universe is conspiring against me coaching LOL!!

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Aug 19Liked by Kristi Keller

Yep, we're often met with the most resistance just before we level up. Step into that calling girl, you're going to be great! :)

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Both my husband and I have been taken out at the knees on more than one occasion (each) at our local dog park — luckily, we've gotten out of them with nothing more than a few days of limping. But wow, yours is a cautionary tale. This is why dog parks need benches! If the humans are sitting down, the canines can't barrel into the backs of their knees at full speed as they seem hellbent on doing. Good thing horses don't do that . . . wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery, and glad the coyotes didn't get you (not that Dezi would have allowed such a thing -- apparently if you're to be killed, she'll do it herself, thank you very much).

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LOL at your last sentence Jan. Coyotes ain’t got nothing on Dezi’s death skills!

Most of our parks do have benches but this particular one is a massive piece of hiking and biking land in the city. There are miles between benches!

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Our neighborhood "dog park" is actually a drainage lawn . . . but I'm thinking of sneaking a bench or two onto its edges. Better to ask forgiveness than permission sometimes.

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Yes! Maybe they won’t notice. We have those here too, “stormwater overflow” areas but they’re always dry.

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While at the dog park, I once got taken out at the ankles by a short squat mixed breed with all the sensitivity of the proverbial bull in a china shop.

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Ouch!!~! Did it cause an injury?

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just some soreness and some pretty impressive bruising. I was back to normal in a few weeks time.

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Still, a few weeks is plenty! Especially considering walking is pretty much essential lol. Glad it wasnt’ worse for you!

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I agree. If going to heaven means being surrounded by dogs welcoming me there with slobber kisses, I’m not scared of death at all. Especially if my Spirit and Sukha and Heidi and Misty and Shadow and Maya and and and…(dang that be loved a lot of dogs in my life) are leading the pack.

That said. I gave up dog parks when my 1.5 year old corgi injured her knee to the point that she needed a new knee!

Oh, and the fact that she had been attacked by dogs not properly trained or watched by their owners one too many times. More than once, I have found myself in Childs pose over my pup, head down, waiting for an owner to come round the bend and get their attack dog off me and away from my smaller pup.

I love you and I’m glad you both are okay.

Does Canada have Sniffspot? An app to rent fences backyards as private dog parks.

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Yeah you kind of have to call it quits when the dog park can cost you that much!! Not just money but pain and suffering.

I’ve never heard of Sniffspot but that sounds intriguing! I’m going to search that out and see what I find here. Thanks!

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I am so sorry that happened to you! I'd have called it quits too, after that.

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So sorry to read this Kristi but you KILLED THIS with your lovely writing skills (excellent title, fascinating details, and funny-as-shit descriptions). Many years ago I was jogging with my bloodhound when a dog leapt out of the back of a truck, crashed into me and my hound as it hit my knee from the side (full force). I tore cartlidge in my knee, was on crutches, and ultimately had surgery. Knee injuries from crashing dogs are NOT fun! Sorry about the arm...never had that happen.

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Holy shit, now there's something you'd NEVER expect in a million years. A dog jumping out of a truck??? There's no way on earth to prepare for that one!

I'd like to say I can't imagine your injury but I sooooo can. Ugh. I hope you made a full recovery. My child's pose still feels messed up a year later.

And PS: Thank you for the lovely compliments!! 😁

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No injuries from dogs, only humans. I once got nailed in the arm with a poorly thrown tennis ball. This guy wasn't paying attention and used one of those extenders to throw his dog's ball (directly at me), which meant it had a LOT of velocity behind it. I was so mad at him!

I think if Pants was a dog park pup, I'd have a lot more stories like this, but thankfully she's a play date pal, which means it's usually just her and one or two other dogs having a ball.

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Ooooh I’ve never thought about other humans hurting each other. Although, I have seen two grown men almost get into a fist fight at the dog park. I just shook my head.

Long live private play dates!!

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Whaaaat? Send help, the humans need more training than the dogs do!

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Isn't that usually the case though? 😁

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He had to counsel with the cat as to method🙏

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Aug 29Liked by Kristi Keller

Glad you got your arm stitched up and cleaned up. Dog parks can be germ-ie..

I’ve not been hurt at one (mostly because my cat Jose doesn’t care for them so I kinda don’t ever go to them). But I did a face plant at a local state camping ground. 12 stitches just above and to the right of my nose (barely missed my eye). That ER trip was a doozy.

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Ooof Teyani, right in the face! That sounds horrible!

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Aug 29Liked by Kristi Keller

Yeah it was a nasty piece of work. But I’m okay, and even the concussion didn’t leave too much of an issue (so they tell me 🤭🤪)

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Author

LOL!!!! So that's what happened to you! 😂😂 I'm totally joking~!

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Aug 29Liked by Kristi Keller

Mwahaha ! I’ll never tell!

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I've been lucky (knock on wood), but not so my brother in law. When LE was younger she would 100% lose her shit if my husband went outside without her. One day he went out and his brother was here and he thought he might handle the situation (note: the man has absolutely no clue in regard to training animals). I was in the bedroom and I heard LE running back and forth and Bil screaming at her. Suddenly a loud thud. "What are you DOING?!?!" I hollered. "She knocked me down" was the reply. "Good" I thought.

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