100% as you say. 👍🐾🐾

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Aug 28Liked by Kristi Keller

Yes yes yes 👏 thank you for calling this out.

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Like I don’t know. Silly puppy.

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I miss my dog but not the walking in this heat.

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I hear you. My dog HATES the heat. She is 100% a winter dog!

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You are not alone! My dog passed away two years ago and I miss walking him every day. And the times I WAS looking at my phone while on a walk? I'd give anything to have that time with Max back.

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I dunno. “Fine, if you really intend to spend several minutes sniffing that patch of ground, then I’m going to check my fucking phone!”

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LOL yeah there is this!! My dog spends plenty of time sniffing patches where bunnies once sat 😂

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Aug 14Liked by Kristi Keller

It’s not just dog owners. Parents at parks on their phones with their kids desperate for any attention. Which means interjecting themselves into my time with my kids and a target to anyone looking for kids.

I don’t own dogs, but help care for 3 at work. I try to at least make going outside fun, throw a frisbee, tug a rope, pretend to chase the mastiff so he gallops like a horse.

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I’m 50/50 on whether I take my phone or not. I definitely regretted not having it the other night when it was dark and I didn’t see the black cat and wasn’t really tight on my leash hold and ended up chasing him (black dog) half way thru the neighborhood with no phone flashlight and shorts that barely stayed on my ass.

I couldn’t even phone for assistance lol. So no more night walking without the phone just in case 🤪

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I think all it takes is one freak occurrence to realize a phone is great to have “just in case”

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Aug 14Liked by Kristi Keller

I love watching Frida, my Jack Russell/Chi mix engage on the trail. I’m in my 3rd week of recovery from a knee replacement and have been hiring people to walk her but she misses us on the trail. I can tell no one else lets her do what she wants though I have to leash her.

Tomorrow we will walk together again for just a bit. We have a dog stroller The Dogger and it acts as my walker if I need it. Frida has had two knee surgeries and has degenerative disc disease so when I’m able, we spend a couple of hours walking-she’s in the stroller when necessary and together we enjoy the Poudre River and its many trails.

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Ouch, Mary, I can totally relate to missing the dog walks! Last year I fractured my knee in June and missed an entire summer season of walking/hiking anywhere worthwhile with my dog. I wish you a super speedy recover! Frida will be so happy when you're back in the saddle!

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I broke my kneecap in 1968 as a teenager. 56 years later, I get a joint replacement. Hopefully, that won’t be your future but if it is, medicine will have progressed exponentially. Back then, they wouldn’t let you out of bed for 2 weeks! Yikes!

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Aug 14Liked by Kristi Keller

I rarely bring my phone on my walks with my Rottweiler puppy. At 8 months and 95 pounds, he requires all of my attention. I should bring just in case of emergency. Last month, in a moment’s inattention, I got my pinky chomped during a game of stick. Fractured and torn, but mostly intact. Scared us more than anything. Stay in the moment, please, people!

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Wow you've got a big boy!! I definitely agree on staying aware and in the moment. Anything can happen when you're not paying attention!

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Aug 13Liked by Kristi Keller

Dezi ❣️ boop her on the nose from me!

People scrolling on their phones while “not doing” whatever tasks they were pretending to do drives me bonkers too.

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I'll go do that now! It's time for me to exit my office and go downstairs to love on my dog.

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If you see me on my phone while walking Rangeley, I'm either taking a photo, recording a voice note for my book or my next Substack, or texting instructions to my 89-year-old mom on how to change her Facebook cover photo (again).

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😁😁 Catherine, I can relate to helping older moms with Facebook lol. And online banking. And cell phone stuff.

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She does really well for being 89, but sometimes I do think about answering the phone, as "Tech Support, how may I help you?"

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Love this. 🤣🤣🤣This is my life and

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I’m live and let live, but that is not what *I* choose to do on dog walks. I don’t even have my phone, so nobody but me sees Bear’s hilarious fox dives into the bushes and grass after a lizard? Mouse? Who knows! He does this in the yard too, but these are FRESH lizards and mice! Mishka sniffs a few things then she’s done because outside and weather, so she waits irritably while he does all this. He’s really busy.

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Hahaha thays so cute. I love watching dogs (and coyotes) hunt for mice. It's fascinating primal behavior!

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You are preachin’ to the choir, in this corner! I totally snob out in this regard. How are they ‘WITH’ their dog? They are not present! And they miss, even in the city, the life all around them, especially the life of that best friend at the end of the leash. SO sad.

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I love that: "Totally snob out." 😁 I hear you. I'm so engaged in my dog and what's around me that I don't understand how people ARE NOT the same. It seems weird.

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You could have been talking about parents and kids not just pet parents and dogs! Kids. Pets. They all notice when the phone-bearer isn't paying attention!

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Cindy, I was a fine dining server for many years and it disgusted me how many tables had children sitting there just watching movies on ipads through the entire dinner! Or couples having dinner together but not even looking at each other the whole time.

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<3 thank you for this reminder. <3

Dogs are Love. <3 we should absorb as much of that love as we can. Every opportunity to feel loved. I know i need the love - that’s why i have 2 dogs!

Also - they are pestering me for treats all day, non-stop. Hahahahaha!

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