First to like it? I’m the first commenter on your very first post—adoring companion to Casey, the ragged-eared, prison-trained Beagle mix we rescued when he was a sprightly adolescent and we were 65. He’s our first dog and showed us a world of fun we’d been missing. If only Substack allowed photos in comments.

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I should have made a prize for the person who occupied all these "first" spaces!

I know all about Casey because I've got your book and LOVE it. The evolution of your relationship with him made me smile. I was also particularly interested in the prison part of his story and will probably write about prison dog training at some point. Those kind of programs inspire me.

In the future of Dog Snobs I will be inviting others to contribute stories so if you ever feel like it, I'm totally open to guest writers!

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Count me in for a contribution when the time is right. I know other doggish writers who will also be keen.

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May 27Liked by Kristi Keller

What I have found is that comments are great for one on one engagement, but as a reader I don't see anyone else's comments after I post my own (unless I specifically check back). I think a Chat function would work really well here. Can't you share photos in a Chat?

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Great question. I'll check into that later on today and if so, maybe it would be fun to have a chat thread every once in a while. Thanks for the idea!

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Jun 6Liked by Kristi Keller

YES!! Please invite me to your dog chat thread if you start one!

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DEfinitely! I actually just enabled chat so I've got to figure out how to best use it for the good of all of us who would love it.

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Oh yes please to a dog chat!

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Snob?!!! Nope I’m beyond.

A pure privileged dog lover

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I'm glad to hear you feel you're beyond because sometimes, I wonder if I'm even right in the head for how much I prefer dogs to humans 🤣🤣

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Kristi. I believe I said “ once you beguine your site will explode with thousands of stories. After all those of us passionate dog “pawrents” are as invested as our hooooman children, spouses , partners and friends. Por que? Fill in the blanks of choice 👍🎈

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Another fun read, Kristi! We have a 20 month old fur baby, Hercules, who has lit up our likkle life! He's a Rotweiller/Shepard Mix that we got in Ochi when he was just 7 weeks old. It's been such a journey and he's a great teacher of mine! I wrote a blog post on my website about how animals can be our greatest teachers. Maybe you'd like to check it out one day: https://calmspiritwellbeing.com/2023/07/14/how-my-puppy-is-one-of-my-greatest-teachers/

Big love you to you and Dezi! ❤️❤️❤️

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100% I'm going to read that!

Did you find Hercules at a breeder down there? I always used to marvel to actual pedigree dogs in Jamaica because I know how many mongrels live in the streets. In fact, I've visited more than one shelter there where they're trying to adopt out street dogs to foreigners. I just never knew purebreds existed there for so many years.

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Awww thanks for reading my other post! I’d love to hear your thoughts when you do. 🩵

Yes, we did find him at a breeder. We also have mongrel dogs so there’s some balance there lol. Mongrel dogs don’t usually turn in to real lap dogs or pets like I’m used to as it’s in their DNA to be gangster survivors 😂 But I love them same way 💕

When I met my husband he had a pitbull that was his love and someone poisoned her. He never wanted a dog again but he opened his heart when we found Hercules. Sadly, Hercules was poisoned when he was a puppy but we nursed him back to life and are grateful he is still with us. We watch him like hawks when he’s out in the yard and we even got a muzzle for him so sometimes we put it on when he’s outside so he’s not able to eat things that aren’t for him.

The dog life here on the island is so different from Cali…I would love a small dog (I had a mini dachshund in the states for 18 years) but where we live it wouldn’t be safe for a likkle one. The mongrels would kill it or at least try (they even attached Hercules when he was a baby so I had to stop walking him on the road until he was big enough to defend himself. Now I can’t even walk him because he’s so strong and he’s always ready to remind the mongrels who the boss is now lol).

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Yeah the life of a street dog is harsh there. I had more than one yard dog over the years. They were easy to choose....hand out a cheese bun and see if he stays loyal. A few of them did.

One of them (I named Badman 😂) was SUCH a gangster lol. He was also poisoned while I was back here in Canada. My neighbor told me the heartbreaking news. Another one of them almost died giving birth to a litter of pups in the bush.

UGH...I wish I could just save them all!!!

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May 27Liked by Kristi Keller

I’m granny (grandmother) to a lovely Border Collie, named Beauty. I love seeing her play and interact with my daughter and grandson.

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Awwww. Grand-dogs probably bring as much pleasure as any other!

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you’ve given me a new place to explore whenever i’m in alberta. Ghost Lake. Hope the name doesn’t mean what it means? 🥹

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Oddly, I have no idea why it was named Ghost lake but it's beautiful out there. Only about a half hour from Calgary.

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Dog snobbery is genetic. My dad comes back from his walks and tells me all about all the friends he met. His friends being all the dogs. After his two schipperkes died two years ago, mom said no more dogs because she couldn’t bear to die and leave a dog to grieve her (my parents are 80yo). That’s the ultimate dog snobbery. Putting your dog’s grief in front of your mortality.

I have a four year old at old tri colored corgi. Successor to a 15yo Shiba Inu, who was successor to a 10yo schipperke. I told my husband on our first date that I will share my life with a dog until the day I die (I’m not sure I have it in me to sacrifice like my mom had).

My corgi has seven names.

Tosha Mira Lama Anahata Alice Twinkle Fuzz

And she answers to “the Mosh” and “Little girl” and “The Tosh”

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Wow….that’s quite the name LOL! Mine is just Dezi but aka, Stinker. If I ever get a second dog I’m naming it Donut so I’ll have Dezi and Donut. Has a nice ring to it I think 😁

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I like Dezi and Lucy...or, better yet, Dezi and Rucee (since that's how it always sounded to me when Dezi walked in the door and said, "Rucee, I'm home!")

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7 names! That has to be a record. How do you fit them all on an ID tag for her collar?

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P.S. please pretty please with corgi dog paws 🐾 scratching at you, pick me to share dog stories on your dog snobs someday!!!

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I’m gonna say it now….ANYONE can contribute anytime! Looking forward to it.

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Great idea, Teri. I'll raise my hand to contribute, too!

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Awesome!!! I'm so excited for this online dog park 😂

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So sweet. The word, snob, has a different connotation when it comes to dogs. 🐶 🥰

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Hi! Hi! I have so much to say about my dogs, but for now I will say that I am so lucky to be mama to 2 dobies Zumi (2) and Tashi (3) and to still feel connected with my soul dog Makai, who is no longer physically with us.

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I'm so glad you're here and i feel like I know Zumi and Tashi just through your posts! As if our dogs wouldn't love each other 😁🐕

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I find it interesting that a family with a baby at a park may find a few passersby nodding and smiling. A dog or a puppy at a park can gather the masses! Dogs are the best!

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Hahaha I literally wrote a post about this very soon after adopting Dezi 4 years ago. Random people on walking paths in my neighborhood NEVER stopped to say hello in all the years I've lived here.....until I got a dog.

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May 28Liked by Kristi Keller

😂 love it!!

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May 28Liked by Kristi Keller

looooving this! my Mambo is a Romanian rescue. we did a DNA test and apparently he is something of a Shishi Tzu and a Leonberger. I let you figure out how THAT worked.

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Bahahaaa! I wonder how half these mixed breeds ever happened 😂

I have a dog DNA post coming in the future and it's hilarious.

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May 28Liked by Kristi Keller

hah, nice! looking forward to reading that one

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Guilty as charged. My guy Brady is sitting here at my feet as we speak. We don't deserve dogs, but I'm so grateful we have them.

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Amen to that! They're way too good for us ❤️

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Oh my goodness, I feel so seen! My two meatballs are asleep right next to me as I type this. Thank you for this. Tell your dog I said hi :-)

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Hahaha I shall!! And back at yours!

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I am sitting at Bar K dog bar in St Louis Right Now as I read your newsletter.

I turned down seeing my brother who is an hour away from here (and 8 hours from where I live) To bring my dogs to this dog park.

I didn’t realize it - but I guess I am a dog snob 🤣🤣🤣

This place is awesome. They have one now in St Louis, Kansas City & Oklahoma City. Love this place. 🧡🖤🐕‍🦺🐕

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Lol this is the best thing I've read today 😂 Lucky dog you've got.

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