I am a professional dog trainer. You are spot on with the dogs training us. Love the car ride example. I once pet sit for a client and the dog would not get in bed (with me). I couldn't figure out what the deal was. The next day I told them about this, and they said "Oh, we give Poppy a treat when she jumps on the bed.". So, from then on, I gave Poppy a treat when she jumped up on the bed and she went right to sleep.

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Lol wow 🤣 Dogs are certainly no dummies!! You must see a lot of interesting behaviors as a trainer.

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Sep 7Liked by Kristi Keller

Hate to break it to you, but your cat is too!

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Hahaha that's a post for Cat Snobs 😁

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Sep 7Liked by Kristi Keller

I thought I’d get ahead of the inevitable “well, this is why *I* have a cat” posts…it’s not because my feline lord and master made me post it, noooo. 🤣😂🤣

Let’s be real, pets of all kinds have us all whipped! 😁

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Totally whipped 100% of the time 😂

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Some friends in the neighborhood invited us all to their barbecue once. You wouldn’t think Mojo could pull any harder than when going to the dog park, but it turns out he can. For the next six months we had to redirect our walks to avoid their house.

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Hahahaha see!! They're so smart and never forget!

My last dog was also named Mojo...great name!

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This post gave me a good giggle. And now I’m deeply suspicious of our two dogs.

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LOL as you should be! 😁

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I just love dog stuff - with 13.5 million of them in the UK, that’s a lot of dogs to feed.

Thanks for the laughs, I didn’t realise you also wrote about our 4 legged friends 🐾🐾 pleased to say our 2 are the worst trained in Yorkshire 😂

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Lol!!! That is something to be proud of 😂 Judging by the number of dog park injuries I've suffered, I think mine is the worst behaved in public in this city 😂

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Aug 31Liked by Kristi Keller

I had to laugh reading this because I've had the exact same frustration with roll over. I, too, call it out whenever my dog does it voluntarily (which is frequent) in the hopes it'll stick. But it just will not!

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Hahaha Wendy, I feel so validated! These mutts are so sneaky 😁

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Dogs are just the best. Our LE has me so figured out, it's embarrassing. I heard that cats will wink at you and so I decided that I wanted LE to wink at me. When I am trying to play the winking game she participates sometimes but quickly gets bored of it. My husband insists it is random and has no meaning for her but, I swear, if she wants me to do something and I am resistant, she winks!

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This is adorable. I wonder if I could teach my dog to wink? Stay tuned 😁

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Loved the hose video. If it wasn’t for social norms, we humans would do the same.

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🤣🤣 You're probably right!

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Hercules definitely has us trained lol 😂 and that video of Devi drinking from the sprinkler?! 🤩🤩 Hercules drinks drinking water and won’t touch pipe water unless we give it to him from the hose 😂 my Jamaican family says he’s too extra 🤣😎

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Oh wow 🤣 Do they still use the word Stoosh down there? Because that's what I'd call Hercules for only drinking the "good" water lol!

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Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 that word is mostly used on the Negril side of the island I discovered so you don’t hear that here in Portland. Instead I hear that someone is “too extra” or “bossey” (not sure if I spelled that last one right as it’s pronounced with a long o) 🫂

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LOOOOL I know the word. I spell it “Boasy” like boastful. Man, I miss people who understand me 😂

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Duh that spelling makes so much sense 🤪🤪🤪 it’s so fun to chat a bit of patwah with you my friend and I love that we found each other here to do so. Ya mon💚💛🖤

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Aug 28Liked by Kristi Keller

We have had mi Miniature Schnauzers for many years and we’re convinced they knew enough aEnglish for a PhD. Now we have an Apricot Toy Poodle and she both equals the Schnauzers knowledge of English but also speaks fluent Schnauzer to make sure her previously trained Holman’s are given their instructions properly.

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Hahaha speaking fluent Schnauzer! I wonder how different the dialect is from fluent rescue mutt? Maybe mine uses more slang coming from the streets 🤣

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Aug 28Liked by Kristi Keller

These behaviors are very very familiar!

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Aug 28Liked by Kristi Keller

My little chihuahua-pom-terrier-german shepherd mix understands complex english sentences like “would you like a kong before i leave for the store?” but when given the simple task of “roll over” ( with or without treat incentive) is suddenly all “no habla ingles”. We frequently argue about who’s in training here, but i usually win. Thank god for opposable thumbs.

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Hahaha Wendy! I'm not alone in the rollover dilemma. Dezi acts like she understands full conversations 😂 but not roll over.

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Once is a precedent. That's a dog rule.

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It definitely seems to be!

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Although we no longer have a dog of our own, my wife and I have 5 grand-dogs. Two of them are very large and strong, capable of pulling us off our feet, so we only see them in their home. The others are boarded by us from time to time and each of them has taught us exactly how they want to be spoiled while in our care.

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I love how you say it so matter-of -factly lol. You're fully aware that they've trained you 😁

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I rarely actually laugh out loud when reading things on a computer screen. This post made me actually do a real laugh out loud. I could watch your dog with that sprinkler all day long. Hahahaha!

And the treats, and the tennis balls. Your dog has so much personality. Thank you for sharing her with us!!

I wish my dogs liked water. For some reason they don’t. My one dog is black, from Texas and he would love water in hot Kansas if he gave it a try! Little scaredy cat! My other dog is a (1 year old) puppy and he is too busy. Too too busy to have shenanigans he didn’t plan for.

Dogs are so fun. Thank you for sharing yours today!!

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Thank you for noticing how ridiculous my dog is. I wish there was a way to illustrate her personality because she's literally the funniest dog I've had in all my years.

And she doesn't swim either. She's a wader...not a swimmer.

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Oh! I meant to share that my black dog, Jasper, an American Cocker Spaniel and probably labradoodle mix too, stares at me as long as it takes for me to turn and look at him. Then he quietly turns and looks at the cabinet to my left. All the good stuff is up there - dog bones, treats, dog toothpaste (they LOVE the dog toothpaste), the Cosequin, the chewies they get every day. And the medicine - I mean Pill Pockets. Hahahaha! He loves that cabinet. And it’s so cute how he stares and stares and when I look at him, he quietly looks up at the cabinet.

He definitely has me trained. 🤣

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Okay so now you have ME laughing out loud because Dezi does the SAME THING!! She stands in front of the cabinet where her treat jar is and stares directly at the jar for as long as it takes someone to notice her standing there. It's SO funny!

These dogs I tell ya! Life would be so boring without them.

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Oh my gosh. Awesome. <3 I love your dog. She made me laugh again - for real - in the middle of the C Gates at Denver airport where I am waiting for my connection. 🤣

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LMAO!! That’s the best kind of laugh…uncontrolled and in public!

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Alvin knows EXACTLY which stores give him a treat and grumbly shuns others .

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HAHA!!! I can so relate to this!! Dezi can spot the treat-givers at the dog park like 8 miles away!

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